1 Getting started

A screenshot of the website’s landing page (www.astrochemistry.org/pahdb) is shown below and highlights its different elements.


Screenshot of the NASA Ames PAH IR Spectrsopic Database website landing page

Each of the indicated elements is briefly described below.

  1. Logo

The logo persists on each screen. Clicking it takes one back to the landing page.

  1. Sections

The links presented here are used to navigate the different main sections of the website. Each section is described in detail in Sections.

  1. Search

The website implements a powerful search engine that can help in perusing the contents of the spectral libraries. Search is described in detail in Search.

  1. Versions

The spectral library can be set here using the radio buttons or links. Selected spectral libraries and versioning is described in detail in Versions.

  1. Quick links

Some helpful ‘quick’ links are provided that point to background material and other useful information to get started using PAHdb and the website.

  1. Footer

The footer persists on each screen and provides information for citing PAHdb and links that point to additional resources and information loosely related to PAHdb.