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Office: Room 147, Bldg. 245
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Phone: 650 - 604 - 6735
Fax: 650 - 604- 6779
Email: Salma.Bejaoui at nasa.gov

Salma Bejaoui


Dr. Salma Bejaoui is a research scientist at the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute and works at the NASA Ames Astrophysics Branch (code-SSA) at NASA Ames Research Center. Salma Bejaoui received her Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry at the University of Lille 1 (Physicochimie de processus de combustion et de l'atmosphère, in French, PC2A), where she developed laser-based techniques (laser-induced fluorescence and incandescence) to study the formation processes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) and soot in flame conditions. Salma followed her PhD with 2-years of post-doc research at the University of Valenciennes (France) and the Ecole Centrale de Paris (France). In the first year, she studied the thermal characterization and analysis of the emission of pollutants in a wood boiler and, in the second, the influence of acoustic perturbations on the dynamic and   thermal structure of a premixed swirling flame using laser-based diagnostic.

Salma Bejaoui was awarded the NASA Postdoctoral program fellowship in 2015 to study the spectroscopy of jet-cooled PAHs with absorption and emission spectroscopy in the ultraviolet-visible region. She is a member of the COSmIC group (Cosmic Simulation Chamber), a versatile facility that allows the laboratory simulation of planetary and interstellar medium environments. Please visit (COSmIC Facility - NASA) for more information regarding this facility. Salma is leading the spectroscopy research activity in COSmIC and applying laser-based techniques such as cavity ringdown spectroscopy and laser-induced fluorescence to probe PAHs seeded in the supersonic expansion. Salma's current research interests include UV-Vis absorption of complex organic molecules including PAHs, mid-IR spectroscopy of jet-cooled PAHs, mid-IR spectroscopy of key exoplanetary molecules at different temperatures, x-ray photoinduced chemistry and x-ray induced fragmentation of astrophysically relevant molecules.

Salma's major publications can be found on the Astrochemistry Laboratory's Publications Pages.