PAH spectroscopy

Compound Pyrene
Formula C16H10
Composition Homogeneous
Physical State Solid, ground-microcrystals
Temperature 293K
Radiation none
Dose -
Technique Microimaging
Laser 532.20 nm
Fluorescence Low
PAHdb Counterpart
Also available: 405.07 nm 784.53 nm

Processed Raman spectrumLeft-click + Shift: drag to zoom; Left-click + Ctrl: Pan; Right-click: Reset.


Raman Shift
Relative Height
[normalized counts]
Band Area
[normalized counts]
Band Area Uncertainty
3069 7 47.4 0.036 0.465 275
3057 19 21.3 0.09 0.745 556
3052 21 16.3 0.1 1.06 334
3037 6 2.64 0.029 0.0261 91.8
3019 5 38.3 0.024 0.684 61.9
1641 41 6.28 0.197 1.22 2.51
1626 123 6.34 0.591 3.77 0.818
1592 72 8.38 0.346 2.96 1.2
1404 207 4.76 0.999 4.99 0.535
1239 157 9.73 0.759 7.76 0.715
1220 5 24.4 0.026 0.876 10.7
1141 21 5.57 0.101 0.601 4.81
1106 5 7.04 0.026 0.192 16.9
1064 26 6.2 0.126 0.796 3.83
590 39 6.86 0.189 1.32 2.43
499 6 17.1 0.031 0.496 10.2
454 10 13.5 0.047 0.55 8.16
405 74 7.18 0.358 2.45 1.34

TransitionsClick row to mark transition.

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