Planetary Studies

Compound Pyrene:H2O[1:10]
Formula C16H10
Composition Heterogeneous
Physical State Solid, water_matrix
Temperature 20K
Radiation none
Dose 0
Technique Probe
Laser 784.53 nm
Fluorescence Low

Processed Raman spectrumLeft-click + Shift: drag to zoom; Left-click + Ctrl: Pan; Right-click: Reset.


Raman Shift
Relative Height
[normalized counts]
Band Area
[normalized counts]
Band Area Uncertainty
3222 7 35 0.165 4.13 20.6
1626 9 15.1 0.218 2.61 25
1593 12 11.3 0.304 3.48 16.3
1405 35 7.98 0.863 6.72 7.22
1238 34 11.8 0.828 10.1 5.94
1064 7 5.38 0.175 0.77 53.3
716 7 133 0.16 7.6 228
589 37 7.77 0.899 7.02 7.63
565 7 207 0.162 20.4 139
527 7 8.28 0.175 0.75 75.4
450 7 50.4 0.173 2.74 146
405 41 6.43 1 6.54 7.96
384 6 90.5 0.144 7.37 86.4

TransitionsClick row to mark transition.

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