PAH spectroscopy

Compound Phenanthrene
Formula C14H10
Composition Homogeneous
Physical State Solid, microcrystals
Temperature 293K
Radiation none
Dose -
Technique Microimaging
Laser 532.20 nm
Fluorescence High
PAHdb Counterpart
Also available: 405.07 nm 784.53 nm

Processed Raman spectrumLeft-click + Shift: drag to zoom; Left-click + Ctrl: Pan; Right-click: Reset.


Raman Shift
Relative Height
[normalized counts]
Band Area
[normalized counts]
Band Area Uncertainty
3102 6 50.2 0.084 1.53 117
3073 42 7.24 0.552 2.29 3.89
3059 29 54.1 0.377 16.2 11.3
3036 19 6.11 0.253 0.53 15.1
3021 7 6.75 0.085 1.39e-17 4.51e+17
3006 6 21.7 0.077 1.02 20.5
1624 60 5.26 0.783 4.19 1.91
1615 25 8.96 0.324 2.98 4.68
1603 9 7.26 0.112 0.666 22.6
1592 8 14.6 0.098 1.42 14.1
1570 11 5.41 0.138 0.807 7.69
1524 15 4.5 0.202 0.974 5.77
1441 62 6.25 0.804 5.15 1.35
1430 15 6.55 0.194 1.28 6.24
1420 14 6.29 0.187 1.24 5.97
1363 11 47 0.139 3.21 6.81
1350 76 9.35 0.995 8.92 1.07
1246 9 5.92 0.115 0.733 8.8
1201 6 5.06 0.083 0.47 12.7
1166 9 10.8 0.123 1.24 7.04
1038 45 8.52 0.589 5.23 1.48
830 14 6.26 0.178 1.15 5.75
712 73 7.75 0.959 7.84 0.941
548 17 6.56 0.224 1.56 4.36
410 21 8.06 0.28 2.31 3.25
248 10 12.3 0.131 1.74 5.34

TransitionsClick row to mark transition.

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