PAH spectroscopy

Compound Phenanthrene
Formula C14H10
Composition Homogeneous
Physical State Solid, ground-microcrystals
Temperature 293K
Radiation none
Dose -
Technique Microimaging
Laser 532.20 nm
Fluorescence Low
PAHdb Counterpart
Also available: 405.07 nm 784.53 nm

Processed Raman spectrumLeft-click + Shift: drag to zoom; Left-click + Ctrl: Pan; Right-click: Reset.


Raman Shift
Relative Height
[normalized counts]
Band Area
[normalized counts]
Band Area Uncertainty
3242 6 11.8 0.01 0.124 46.4
3071 155 6.5 0.252 0.948 5.08
3056 120 47.1 0.195 6.95 10.7
3034 73 78.3 0.117 1.85 53.6
2995 19 5.18 0.031 0.103 39
1622 116 5.52 0.187 1.02 4.81
1613 125 5.58 0.202 0.927 6.05
1599 70 28.7 0.113 3.07 4.88
1569 76 6.1 0.123 0.726 5.92
1523 187 5.45 0.303 1.74 2.34
1487 5 82.7 0.008 0.625 33.1
1479 6 2.7 0.01 0.00964 291
1439 371 6.19 0.601 3.78 1.27
1428 116 7.11 0.188 1.4 4.32
1418 116 7.41 0.188 1.42 4.05
1404 17 6.91 0.028 0.157 29.9
1361 105 42.8 0.17 4.6 14.4
1348 617 9.56 1 8.79 0.873
1318 14 58.3 0.023 2.15 28.4
1295 14 0.317 0.023 1.01e-5 1.73e+10
1279 6 0.322 0.01 0.000123 5.03e+8
1244 130 8.06 0.211 1.67 3.75
1224 8 36.2 0.014 0.558 29.1
1199 62 6.53 0.1 0.663 7.4
1169 35 12.3 0.057 0.648 9.7
1142 20 22.3 0.033 0.38 23.2
1036 202 9.11 0.327 3.04 1.66
999 7 5.97 0.011 0.0646 63.3
944 5 10.8 0.008 0.0793 69.3
875 6 7.74 0.01 0.0766 60.8
829 37 7.95 0.059 0.493 9.56
761 7 6.15 0.011 0.0685 60.5
709 196 8.88 0.318 2.89 1.72
547 33 8.23 0.053 0.437 11
495 8 12 0.013 0.151 38.5
441 5 6.47 0.008 0.0539 78.9
410 232 10.4 0.375 3.69 1.46
247 97 14.7 0.157 2.43 2.64

TransitionsClick row to mark transition.

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