PAH spectroscopy

Compound Naphthalene
Formula C10H8
Composition Homogeneous
Physical State Solid, microcrystals
Temperature 293K
Radiation none
Dose -
Technique Microimaging
Laser 784.53 nm
Fluorescence Low
PAHdb Counterpart
Also available: 405.07 nm 532.20 nm

Processed Raman spectrumLeft-click + Shift: drag to zoom; Left-click + Ctrl: Pan; Right-click: Reset.


Raman Shift
Relative Height
[normalized counts]
Band Area
[normalized counts]
Band Area Uncertainty
3057 5 6.57 0.018 0.119 26.3
2235 6 2.29 0.021 0.0536 34.6
1627 5 8.9 0.018 0.146 25.1
1575 37 8.75 0.125 1.14 3.18
1462 15 10.7 0.05 0.535 7.51
1381 144 8.32 0.487 4.31 0.82
1243 8 8.65 0.029 0.246 14.7
1146 21 9.38 0.072 0.706 5.32
1019 141 10.4 0.478 5.3 0.747
762 296 11.4 1 11.8 0.35
508 92 11.6 0.312 3.9 1.07
465 6 13.5 0.022 0.281 16
388 7 13.5 0.025 0.338 13.3

TransitionsClick row to mark transition.

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