PAH spectroscopy

Compound Naphthalene
Formula C10H8
Composition Homogeneous
Physical State Solid, ground-microcrystals
Temperature 293K
Radiation none
Dose -
Technique Microimaging
Laser 784.53 nm
Fluorescence Low
PAHdb Counterpart
Also available: 405.07 nm 532.20 nm

Processed Raman spectrumLeft-click + Shift: drag to zoom; Left-click + Ctrl: Pan; Right-click: Reset.


Raman Shift
Relative Height
[normalized counts]
Band Area
[normalized counts]
Band Area Uncertainty
2977 5 2.42 0.019 0.0483 30.4
1629 6 8.63 0.02 0.183 15.2
1577 25 7.69 0.084 0.673 3.9
1465 52 9.62 0.179 1.77 1.8
1444 17 17.1 0.06 0.932 4.81
1383 288 7.46 0.985 7.81 0.331
1338 5 6.41 0.017 0.115 20.8
1245 7 8.18 0.024 0.207 13.1
1169 17 12.3 0.06 0.728 4.65
1148 30 9.58 0.102 0.986 3.02
1022 123 9.51 0.419 4.28 0.682
783 22 11.6 0.074 0.946 3.62
764 259 10 0.886 9.66 0.327
727 6 12.8 0.02 0.209 16.2
514 292 10.9 1 11.9 0.263
391 37 13 0.126 1.75 1.96

TransitionsClick row to mark transition.

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