uid 423
scaling factor multiple (3)

TransitionsLeft-clk & drag: Zoom; Right-clk: reset


Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
3478 2.876 30.28 A' 0.9595
3474 2.879 507.3 A' 0.9595
3124 3.201 3.374 A' 0.9595
3111 3.214 0.1546 A' 0.9595
3110 3.215 1.139 A' 0.9595
3090 3.236 0.2813 A' 0.9595
3079 3.248 1.364 A' 0.9595
3072 3.255 3.51 A' 0.9595
1556 6.429 130.3 A' 0.9523
1543 6.481 14.97 A' 0.9523
1507 6.636 262.1 A' 0.9523
1478 6.765 18.56 A' 0.9523
1462 6.839 48.35 A' 0.9523
1438 6.955 61.91 A' 0.9523
1390 7.192 48.27 A' 0.9523
1367 7.314 121.1 A' 0.9523
1347 7.426 7.358 A' 0.9523
1302 7.68 211.4 A' 0.9523
1294 7.725 74.28 A' 0.9523
1240 8.065 143.9 A' 0.9523
1195 8.371 74.14 A' 0.9523
1178 8.49 127.7 A' 0.9523
1158 8.633 98.05 A' 0.9523
1118 8.948 345.8 A' 0.9523
1100 9.093 196.5 A' 0.9523
1070 9.346 9.678 A' 0.9523
1028 9.726 56.07 A' 0.9563
1002 9.983 0.117 A" 0.9563
993.8 10.06 0.0685 A" 0.9563
931.9 10.73 25.4 A' 0.9563
906.7 11.03 2.205 A" 0.9563
861.9 11.6 9.857 A" 0.9563
858.7 11.65 62.81 A" 0.9563
841.1 11.89 8.138 A' 0.9563
791.7 12.63 33.37 A" 0.9563
724.6 13.8 36.61 A" 0.9563
716.3 13.96 7.317 A' 0.9563
701.9 14.25 1.142 A' 0.9563
631.3 15.84 0.0023 A" 0.9563
588.4 17 0.6585 A" 0.9563
555.4 18.01 15.91 A' 0.9563
507.7 19.7 12.31 A' 0.9563
506.4 19.75 75.22 A" 0.9563
471.9 21.19 147.1 A" 0.9563
468.3 21.35 119.7 A" 0.9563
461.6 21.66 10.27 A' 0.9563
453 22.08 27.7 A' 0.9563
409.2 24.44 32.72 A" 0.9563
347.7 28.76 1.163 A' 0.9563
282.4 35.41 6.826 A" 0.9563
240.9 41.5 1.69 A' 0.9563
239.6 41.74 0.1139 A" 0.9563
135.3 73.92 0.6278 A" 0.9563
105.5 94.77 1.799 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)