uid 406
scaling factor multiple (3)

TransitionsLeft-clk & drag: Zoom; Right-clk: reset


Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
3496 2.861 24.55 A 0.9595
3421 2.923 1.94 A 0.9595
3098 3.228 5.207 A 0.9595
3088 3.239 30.59 A 0.9595
3074 3.253 29.45 A 0.9595
3064 3.264 6.446 A 0.9595
3053 3.275 2.904 A 0.9595
3033 3.297 30.21 A 0.9595
2838 3.524 55.59 A 0.9595
1568 6.378 0.5324 A 0.9523
1535 6.513 1.471 A 0.9523
1520 6.58 100.9 A 0.9523
1473 6.787 11.7 A 0.9523
1442 6.936 3.111 A 0.9523
1395 7.171 8.006 A 0.9523
1360 7.353 26.34 A 0.9523
1329 7.526 7.013 A 0.9523
1297 7.708 5.35 A 0.9523
1277 7.831 3.182 A 0.9523
1262 7.924 16.96 A 0.9523
1216 8.222 27.99 A 0.9523
1199 8.339 2.155 A 0.9523
1173 8.523 20.35 A 0.9523
1169 8.557 0.4813 A 0.9523
1138 8.787 52.19 A 0.9523
1117 8.949 119.1 A 0.9523
1089 9.184 102.7 A 0.9523
1042 9.6 1.428 A 0.9563
1027 9.741 0.2598 A 0.9563
981 10.19 0.0192 A 0.9563
947 10.56 19.36 A 0.9563
941.9 10.62 8.211 A 0.9563
884.7 11.3 51.64 A 0.9563
874.9 11.43 19.25 A 0.9563
846.5 11.81 51.5 A 0.9563
789.1 12.67 39.75 A 0.9563
774.4 12.91 23.57 A 0.9563
750.2 13.33 40.38 A 0.9563
735.8 13.59 27.59 A 0.9563
725.1 13.79 4.711 A 0.9563
679.9 14.71 9.533 A 0.9563
626.4 15.96 4.067 A 0.9563
559.2 17.88 6.801 A 0.9563
538.8 18.56 4.665 A 0.9563
516.7 19.35 1.818 A 0.9563
474 21.1 1.333 A 0.9563
439.9 22.73 4.028 A 0.9563
425.5 23.5 4.239 A 0.9563
389.7 25.66 11.38 A 0.9563
358.8 27.87 158.3 A 0.9563
326.5 30.63 6.948 A 0.9563
277.2 36.08 1.583 A 0.9563
242.7 41.2 5.046 A 0.9563
210.1 47.6 122.4 A 0.9563
148.8 67.19 5.872 A 0.9563
131.9 75.8 2.026 A 0.9563
48.92 204.4 0.7779 A 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)