uid 383
scaling factor multiple (3)

TransitionsLeft-clk & drag: Zoom; Right-clk: reset


Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
3036 3.294 86.56 ?A 0.9595
3019 3.312 139.8 ?A 0.9595
3008 3.324 171.8 ?A 0.9595
3005 3.328 43.38 ?A 0.9595
2982 3.353 48.27 ?A 0.9595
2977 3.359 41.97 ?A 0.9595
2947 3.393 88.02 ?A 0.9595
2815 3.552 122.8 ?A 0.9595
2612 3.828 324.2 ?A 0.9595
1582 6.322 49.31 ?A 0.9523
1549 6.458 202.2 ?A 0.9523
1502 6.658 35.03 ?A 0.9523
1467 6.819 9.365 ?A 0.9523
1454 6.879 246.3 ?A 0.9523
1449 6.902 76.08 ?A 0.9523
1406 7.114 46.16 ?A 0.9523
1375 7.274 6.682 ?A 0.9523
1319 7.584 8.867 ?A 0.9523
1273 7.853 191 ?A 0.9523
1251 7.996 30.54 ?A 0.9523
1221 8.193 17.01 ?A 0.9523
1190 8.402 1.414 ?A 0.9523
1154 8.666 16.73 ?A 0.9523
1143 8.746 1.129 ?A 0.9523
1134 8.819 21.62 ?A 0.9523
1096 9.124 7.173 ?A 0.9523
1051 9.517 12.74 ?A 0.9563
1016 9.838 22.23 ?A 0.9563
978.6 10.22 36.83 ?A 0.9563
922.7 10.84 12.92 ?A 0.9563
912.4 10.96 1.174 ?A 0.9563
903.3 11.07 1.099 ?A 0.9563
899 11.12 15.89 ?A 0.9563
872.4 11.46 5.024 ?A 0.9563
800.7 12.49 19.87 ?A 0.9563
771.9 12.95 1.848 ?A 0.9563
721.4 13.86 0.7308 ?A 0.9563
709 14.11 1.517 ?A 0.9563
682.6 14.65 60.25 ?A 0.9563
635 15.75 27.08 ?A 0.9563
605.5 16.51 1.807 ?A 0.9563
594.9 16.81 3.174 ?A 0.9563
531.2 18.83 1.272 ?A 0.9563
504.6 19.82 1.853 ?A 0.9563
468.4 21.35 10.1 ?A 0.9563
464.6 21.52 11.28 ?A 0.9563
409 24.45 11.66 ?A 0.9563
354.3 28.23 0.8547 ?A 0.9563
247.2 40.45 0.7794 ?A 0.9563
170.6 58.61 1.936 ?A 0.9563
89 112.4 0.0922 ?A 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)