uid 359
scaling factor multiple (3)

TransitionsLeft-clk & drag: Zoom; Right-clk: reset


Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
3114 3.211 0 AG 0.9595
3114 3.212 0.0889 B2U 0.9595
3102 3.224 0.0074 B1U 0.9595
3101 3.224 0 B3G 0.9595
3086 3.24 0 AG 0.9595
3084 3.242 1.361 B2U 0.9595
3084 3.243 0.0006 B1U 0.9595
3082 3.245 0 B3G 0.9595
1556 6.428 0 AG 0.9523
1514 6.603 17.7 B2U 0.9523
1492 6.701 97.68 B1U 0.9523
1461 6.844 0 AG 0.9523
1452 6.889 0 B3G 0.9523
1431 6.989 0 B3G 0.9523
1402 7.133 16.34 B1U 0.9523
1367 7.315 20.15 B2U 0.9523
1355 7.38 0 AG 0.9523
1276 7.839 8.983 B1U 0.9523
1235 8.097 0 B3G 0.9523
1211 8.259 193.7 B2U 0.9523
1184 8.446 0 AG 0.9523
1174 8.516 49.66 B2U 0.9523
1096 9.126 7.116 B1U 0.9523
1090 9.173 0 B3G 0.9523
1036 9.655 0 AG 0.9563
1021 9.796 0 B2G 0.9563
1017 9.837 0 AU 0.9563
1006 9.942 21.52 B2U 0.9563
984.7 10.16 2.121 B3U 0.9563
960.7 10.41 0 B1G 0.9563
929.7 10.76 0 B3G 0.9563
920.1 10.87 0 B2G 0.9563
857.2 11.67 0 AU 0.9563
797.3 12.54 0.0032 B1U 0.9563
765 13.07 115.3 B3U 0.9563
750.6 13.32 0 AG 0.9563
738.4 13.54 0 B1G 0.9563
727.9 13.74 0 B2G 0.9563
607.7 16.46 7.257 B2U 0.9563
556.4 17.97 0 AU 0.9563
506.1 19.76 0 AG 0.9563
472.3 21.17 0 B3G 0.9563
436.4 22.91 0 B2G 0.9563
419.7 23.83 24.06 B3U 0.9563
367.3 27.22 0 B1G 0.9563
354.4 28.22 0.0791 B1U 0.9563
179.2 55.79 0 AU 0.9563
154.8 64.61 3.175 B3U 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)