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uid 2586
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1894 5.281 9.057 A' 0.9097
1819 5.499 14.87 A' 0.9097
1701 5.879 6.878 A' 0.9097
1676 5.965 11.48 A' 0.9097
1579 6.333 6.408 A' 0.9523
1558 6.417 15.35 A' 0.9523
1544 6.478 0.2455 A' 0.9523
1502 6.658 18.52 A' 0.9523
1494 6.694 49.67 A' 0.9523
1489 6.717 7.331 A' 0.9523
1465 6.824 32.38 A' 0.9523
1438 6.953 35.86 A' 0.9523
1425 7.016 14.8 A' 0.9523
1418 7.051 7.151 A' 0.9523
1380 7.244 6.335 A' 0.9523
1373 7.281 24.74 A' 0.9523
1344 7.441 4.644 A' 0.9523
1322 7.567 64.69 A' 0.9523
1295 7.724 0.1026 A' 0.9523
1288 7.761 3.567 A' 0.9523
1276 7.837 19.84 A' 0.9523
1247 8.021 2.412 A' 0.9523
1194 8.373 12.3 A' 0.9523
1191 8.399 30.87 A' 0.9523
1141 8.768 1.64 A' 0.9523
1118 8.943 10.62 A' 0.9523
1090 9.176 0.8674 A' 0.9523
1067 9.376 3.674 A' 0.9523
1045 9.574 0.1029 A' 0.9563
968.8 10.32 34.28 A' 0.9563
927.3 10.78 0.1719 A' 0.9563
890.1 11.23 3.526 A' 0.9563
860.7 11.62 33.23 A' 0.9563
807.5 12.38 16.95 A' 0.9563
791.3 12.64 2.841 A' 0.9563
760 13.16 0.0616 A" 0.9563
744.8 13.43 0.1948 A" 0.9563
730.2 13.69 8.499 A' 0.9563
712.7 14.03 0.1475 A" 0.9563
669.4 14.94 10.8 A' 0.9563
665 15.04 0.0237 A" 0.9563
664.3 15.05 3.194 A' 0.9563
645.2 15.5 0.1961 A" 0.9563
626.6 15.96 14.84 A' 0.9563
622.9 16.05 1.059 A" 0.9563
616.8 16.21 20.54 A' 0.9563
591.9 16.89 0.0086 A" 0.9563
581.6 17.19 29.33 A' 0.9563
578.5 17.29 30.25 A' 0.9563
537.7 18.6 157.9 A' 0.9563
529.9 18.87 17.3 A' 0.9563
529.7 18.88 0.3225 A" 0.9563
518.4 19.29 11.9 A' 0.9563
508.8 19.66 5.995 A' 0.9563
507.1 19.72 0.0392 A" 0.9563
499.7 20.01 0.1277 A" 0.9563
484.1 20.66 4.96 A' 0.9563
476.1 21 0.5063 A" 0.9563
462.7 21.61 3.027 A' 0.9563
462.1 21.64 0.0002 A" 0.9563
461.1 21.69 46.2 A' 0.9563
445.2 22.46 36.48 A' 0.9563
436.7 22.9 0.0995 A" 0.9563
423.1 23.64 115.5 A' 0.9563
406.9 24.58 47.59 A' 0.9563
395.8 25.27 0.006 A" 0.9563
381.1 26.24 0.0216 A" 0.9563
365.5 27.36 0.0205 A" 0.9563
361.4 27.67 4.25 A' 0.9563
348.7 28.67 0.2124 A" 0.9563
323.5 30.91 0.0157 A" 0.9563
305 32.79 6.704 A' 0.9563
294.1 34 0.0049 A" 0.9563
259.5 38.54 0.1813 A' 0.9563
250.8 39.87 0.1051 A" 0.9563
212.9 46.97 0.0044 A" 0.9563
174.2 57.39 0.0297 A" 0.9563
171.6 58.29 0.0379 A' 0.9563
143.5 69.69 0.0028 A" 0.9563
99.78 100.2 0.0806 A" 0.9563
97.43 102.6 0.1075 A' 0.9563
92.08 108.6 0.001 A" 0.9563
66.98 149.3 0.0352 A" 0.9563
29.39 340.2 0.0177 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)