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uid 2521
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1763 5.671 2.756 A' 0.9097
1747 5.724 33.13 A' 0.9097
1712 5.842 26.61 A' 0.9097
1697 5.892 41.15 A' 0.9523
1636 6.113 45.16 A' 0.9523
1612 6.205 58.09 A' 0.9523
1571 6.366 24.79 A' 0.9523
1501 6.662 18.13 A' 0.9523
1473 6.79 29.93 A' 0.9523
1446 6.917 121.4 A' 0.9523
1423 7.029 3.167 A' 0.9523
1402 7.134 13.81 A' 0.9523
1397 7.156 8.87 A' 0.9523
1388 7.205 2.005 A' 0.9523
1364 7.331 1.391 A' 0.9523
1327 7.536 45.5 A' 0.9523
1320 7.575 1.637 A' 0.9523
1291 7.744 87.83 A' 0.9523
1266 7.897 14.53 A' 0.9523
1255 7.97 21.34 A' 0.9523
1228 8.143 8.019 A' 0.9523
1218 8.208 64.22 A' 0.9523
1199 8.339 21.22 A' 0.9523
1166 8.58 60.55 A' 0.9523
1123 8.909 48.51 A' 0.9523
1115 8.972 58.66 A' 0.9523
1054 9.489 48.16 A' 0.9563
1011 9.892 111.6 A' 0.9563
973.9 10.27 3.57 A' 0.9563
943.5 10.6 35.23 A' 0.9563
883.9 11.31 77.51 A' 0.9563
862.4 11.6 47.64 A' 0.9563
772.3 12.95 92.46 A' 0.9563
765.7 13.06 117.3 A' 0.9563
760.6 13.15 0.2254 A" 0.9563
740.6 13.5 55.4 A' 0.9563
734.4 13.62 0.1777 A" 0.9563
712.6 14.03 44.61 A' 0.9563
702 14.24 0.8268 A" 0.9563
674.4 14.83 0.2514 A" 0.9563
656 15.24 27.02 A' 0.9563
645.1 15.5 0.8512 A" 0.9563
632.8 15.8 160.9 A' 0.9563
628.6 15.91 4.004 A" 0.9563
598.1 16.72 155.2 A' 0.9563
566.5 17.65 184.6 A' 0.9563
555.6 18 0.5104 A" 0.9563
544.7 18.36 24.78 A' 0.9563
533.1 18.76 0.4368 A" 0.9563
527.8 18.95 1.135 A" 0.9563
520.7 19.21 9.333 A' 0.9563
514.8 19.43 74.16 A' 0.9563
505.1 19.8 0.2386 A" 0.9563
495.1 20.2 207.3 A' 0.9563
493.8 20.25 0.1072 A" 0.9563
477.6 20.94 226.1 A' 0.9563
452.5 22.1 1.417 A" 0.9563
451.5 22.15 401.2 A' 0.9563
423 23.64 23.78 A' 0.9563
415.3 24.08 1.572 A" 0.9563
401.5 24.91 40.72 A' 0.9563
393.2 25.43 19.72 A' 0.9563
375.4 26.64 41.9 A' 0.9563
367.9 27.18 0.2894 A" 0.9563
358.8 27.87 63.61 A' 0.9563
344.7 29.01 6.025 A" 0.9563
314.6 31.79 50.85 A' 0.9563
310.6 32.19 0.2775 A" 0.9563
288.5 34.66 0.9901 A" 0.9563
281.1 35.57 22.17 A" 0.9563
265 37.74 4.683 A' 0.9563
239.2 41.8 1.014 A" 0.9563
221.4 45.16 5.938 A' 0.9563
179.7 55.65 2.541 A" 0.9563
169.8 58.9 0.1053 A" 0.9563
140.5 71.16 0.1024 A" 0.9563
122.7 81.48 2.408 A' 0.9563
116.9 85.54 0.7318 A" 0.9563
99.73 100.3 1.223 A" 0.9563
52.87 189.1 0.0223 A" 0.9563
25.04 399.4 0.0201 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)