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uid 2486
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1820 5.493 4.061 A 0.9097
1701 5.879 6.404 A 0.9523
1633 6.124 8.738 A 0.9523
1567 6.382 57.82 A 0.9523
1534 6.518 20.26 A 0.9523
1528 6.543 9.2 A 0.9523
1518 6.586 38.88 A 0.9523
1495 6.688 22.12 A 0.9523
1470 6.802 2.479 A 0.9523
1465 6.824 12.4 A 0.9523
1435 6.97 15.88 A 0.9523
1399 7.15 8.073 A 0.9523
1391 7.187 27.66 A 0.9523
1375 7.275 17.76 A 0.9523
1344 7.438 49.39 A 0.9523
1319 7.582 15.06 A 0.9523
1296 7.719 3.934 A 0.9523
1278 7.823 0.2727 A 0.9523
1271 7.871 16 A 0.9523
1225 8.163 54.34 A 0.9523
1215 8.228 9.937 A 0.9523
1197 8.354 7.527 A 0.9523
1179 8.48 43.52 A 0.9523
1144 8.739 5.228 A 0.9523
1127 8.876 3.438 A 0.9523
1058 9.451 0.3521 A 0.9563
1043 9.592 19.53 A 0.9563
1025 9.761 4.589 A 0.9563
984.4 10.16 3.563 A 0.9563
903 11.07 1.005 A 0.9563
889.2 11.25 10.75 A 0.9563
851.4 11.75 3.05 A 0.9563
816.4 12.25 2.155 A 0.9563
796.2 12.56 24.81 A 0.9563
765.3 13.07 0.1363 A 0.9563
750.5 13.32 11.25 A 0.9563
732.5 13.65 0.9697 A 0.9563
708.6 14.11 8.648 A 0.9563
696.9 14.35 0.5822 A 0.9563
675 14.82 0.1833 A 0.9563
661.4 15.12 0.0092 A 0.9563
642.3 15.57 4.65 A 0.9563
629 15.9 4.051 A 0.9563
614.4 16.28 0.001 A 0.9563
605.7 16.51 7.08 A 0.9563
594.1 16.83 7.734 A 0.9563
590.3 16.94 0.1714 A 0.9563
584.8 17.1 0.2044 A 0.9563
540.9 18.49 78.69 A 0.9563
536.9 18.62 0.065 A 0.9563
530.9 18.84 27.8 A 0.9563
514.7 19.43 17.73 A 0.9563
500.8 19.97 0.217 A 0.9563
486.4 20.56 0.7719 A 0.9563
479.8 20.84 17 A 0.9563
457.5 21.86 43.12 A 0.9563
455.6 21.95 2.681 A 0.9563
451.5 22.15 3.338 A 0.9563
449.1 22.27 0.0021 A 0.9563
426.5 23.45 0.5997 A 0.9563
414.2 24.14 1.019 A 0.9563
404 24.75 4.438 A 0.9563
396.8 25.2 0.1267 A 0.9563
373.7 26.76 0.0958 A 0.9563
351 28.49 0.3698 A 0.9563
341.5 29.28 0.0029 A 0.9563
319.5 31.3 0.0022 A 0.9563
295.3 33.86 0.0775 A 0.9563
274.6 36.41 0.0001 A 0.9563
257.9 38.77 1.185 A 0.9563
245.1 40.8 0.0188 A 0.9563
224.6 44.53 0.1731 A 0.9563
176.1 56.79 0.0052 A 0.9563
163.5 61.17 0.3157 A 0.9563
115.8 86.32 0.0025 A 0.9563
101.2 98.83 0.0166 A 0.9563
87.66 114.1 0.0006 A 0.9563
32.9 303.9 0.06 A 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)