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uid 2457
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1767 5.658 6.934 A' 0.9097
1696 5.896 30.41 A' 0.9523
1637 6.109 0.535 A' 0.9523
1547 6.464 1.593 A' 0.9523
1515 6.599 5.26 A' 0.9523
1511 6.616 1.179 A' 0.9523
1487 6.724 0.5441 A' 0.9523
1474 6.785 0.0408 A' 0.9523
1462 6.84 2.554 A' 0.9523
1436 6.964 3.987 A' 0.9523
1425 7.017 1.062 A' 0.9523
1400 7.142 8.815 A' 0.9523
1395 7.168 2.738 A' 0.9523
1375 7.275 1.94 A' 0.9523
1336 7.487 11.57 A' 0.9523
1324 7.55 6.945 A' 0.9523
1302 7.679 4.008 A' 0.9523
1297 7.707 0.3531 A' 0.9523
1279 7.821 11.66 A' 0.9523
1261 7.928 1.173 A' 0.9523
1239 8.073 3.176 A' 0.9523
1209 8.272 6.905 A' 0.9523
1197 8.351 1.434 A' 0.9523
1186 8.433 17.01 A' 0.9523
1156 8.652 12.93 A' 0.9523
1107 9.031 4.726 A' 0.9523
1071 9.341 7.684 A' 0.9523
1040 9.616 17.1 A' 0.9563
1017 9.829 5.502 A' 0.9563
998.1 10.02 2.844 A' 0.9563
958.9 10.43 12.84 A' 0.9563
863.1 11.59 3.542 A' 0.9563
833.4 12 3.766 A' 0.9563
807.4 12.38 4.204 A' 0.9563
781.3 12.8 0.1294 A" 0.9563
763 13.11 1.935 A' 0.9563
733.6 13.63 0.9008 A" 0.9563
729.2 13.71 0.4015 A" 0.9563
711.9 14.05 4.465 A' 0.9563
689.6 14.5 0.35 A" 0.9563
688.6 14.52 29.95 A' 0.9563
654 15.29 0.0766 A" 0.9563
647.1 15.45 0.6617 A' 0.9563
639 15.65 3.652 A' 0.9563
629.2 15.89 0.2058 A" 0.9563
620.7 16.11 5.66 A' 0.9563
593.7 16.84 0.1738 A" 0.9563
585.1 17.09 6.646 A' 0.9563
562.1 17.79 79.45 A' 0.9563
534 18.73 30.09 A' 0.9563
525.7 19.02 0.0051 A" 0.9563
514.3 19.44 0.3856 A" 0.9563
506.2 19.76 0.8392 A' 0.9563
491.9 20.33 0.2501 A" 0.9563
469.3 21.31 5.117 A' 0.9563
467 21.41 1.618 A" 0.9563
461.2 21.68 0.347 A" 0.9563
459.4 21.77 20.98 A' 0.9563
441.3 22.66 0.0567 A" 0.9563
407.5 24.54 22.01 A' 0.9563
392.2 25.5 80.66 A' 0.9563
370 27.03 0.8316 A" 0.9563
349.1 28.65 8.938 A' 0.9563
347 28.82 0 A" 0.9563
331.9 30.13 0.0042 A" 0.9563
315 31.75 0.1594 A" 0.9563
313.7 31.88 0.3575 A' 0.9563
303.3 32.97 0.0328 A" 0.9563
284 35.22 1.9 A' 0.9563
279.2 35.81 0.014 A" 0.9563
274.8 36.39 0.8962 A' 0.9563
186.6 53.59 0.0041 A" 0.9563
183.8 54.4 0.1111 A' 0.9563
166.1 60.22 0.0032 A" 0.9563
139 71.93 0.031 A" 0.9563
104.7 95.47 0 A" 0.9563
61.45 162.7 0.0018 A" 0.9563
43.5 229.9 0.0452 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)