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uid 2429
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1853 5.396 19.26 A' 0.9097
1759 5.686 5.911 A' 0.9097
1703 5.873 12.73 A' 0.9097
1675 5.969 10.67 A' 0.9097
1579 6.335 5.792 A' 0.9523
1559 6.413 14.43 A' 0.9523
1530 6.536 0.9645 A' 0.9523
1503 6.651 6.947 A' 0.9523
1497 6.681 4.585 A' 0.9523
1441 6.94 23.4 A' 0.9523
1433 6.978 3.414 A' 0.9523
1420 7.042 5.154 A' 0.9523
1398 7.152 15.4 A' 0.9523
1367 7.318 10.29 A' 0.9523
1353 7.393 8.15 A' 0.9523
1320 7.579 24.38 A' 0.9523
1290 7.75 2.47 A' 0.9523
1284 7.787 4.235 A' 0.9523
1258 7.948 12.44 A' 0.9523
1226 8.157 2.013 A' 0.9523
1175 8.514 21.67 A' 0.9523
1143 8.75 9.699 A' 0.9523
1116 8.961 46.1 A' 0.9523
1077 9.288 3.448 A' 0.9523
1043 9.591 16.54 A' 0.9563
955.8 10.46 2.275 A' 0.9563
925.8 10.8 6.81 A' 0.9563
892.3 11.21 8.246 A' 0.9563
870.2 11.49 1.641 A' 0.9563
810.9 12.33 31.98 A' 0.9563
762 13.12 1.018 A' 0.9563
755.1 13.24 0.1382 A" 0.9563
746 13.4 0.1013 A" 0.9563
727.3 13.75 18.82 A' 0.9563
684.8 14.6 0.6981 A" 0.9563
668 14.97 11.78 A' 0.9563
662.6 15.09 0.4706 A" 0.9563
633.3 15.79 0.6586 A" 0.9563
621.4 16.09 14 A' 0.9563
596.9 16.75 0.0665 A" 0.9563
594.9 16.81 0.4275 A' 0.9563
582.7 17.16 4.758 A' 0.9563
557.6 17.93 63.24 A' 0.9563
544.9 18.35 121.3 A' 0.9563
525.5 19.03 0.132 A" 0.9563
520.2 19.23 2.589 A' 0.9563
506.7 19.74 0.0613 A" 0.9563
497 20.12 0.0006 A" 0.9563
489.5 20.43 2.214 A' 0.9563
470.8 21.24 0.3982 A" 0.9563
459.9 21.74 59.83 A' 0.9563
455.6 21.95 4.43 A' 0.9563
435.3 22.97 0.145 A" 0.9563
426.6 23.44 10.27 A' 0.9563
411.6 24.29 7.806 A' 0.9563
393.9 25.39 0.0009 A" 0.9563
393.8 25.39 88.31 A' 0.9563
369 27.1 0.0579 A" 0.9563
356.6 28.05 0.0117 A" 0.9563
347.6 28.77 0.696 A' 0.9563
327.2 30.57 0.03 A" 0.9563
321 31.15 0.0027 A" 0.9563
302.2 33.09 0.3148 A' 0.9563
278 35.97 0.0359 A" 0.9563
229.9 43.51 0.7339 A' 0.9563
216 46.3 0.1442 A" 0.9563
161.3 62.01 0.0009 A" 0.9563
147.4 67.83 0.2104 A' 0.9563
127.1 78.71 0.0102 A" 0.9563
116.6 85.76 0 A" 0.9563
91.02 109.9 0 A" 0.9563
37.55 266.3 0.0593 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)