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uid 541

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This species has a counterpart in the theoretical library


Integrated cross-section
5702 1.754 2.599e+4
3303 3.028 25.12
3264 3.064 129.7
3260 3.067 1828
3205 3.12 57.65
3142 3.183 83.19
3096 3.23 201.8
3068 3.259 61.56
3052 3.276 63.83
3033 3.297 139.5
3031 3.299 5516
2994 3.34 332.8
2937 3.405 414.1
2911 3.435 282.2
2874 3.48 69.14
2854 3.503 770.2
2837 3.524 513.2
2790 3.584 650.8
2731 3.662 360.9
2685 3.724 975.2
2621 3.815 175.6
2567 3.896 129.5
2549 3.923 15.58
2529 3.954 53.15
2505 3.993 212
2462 4.062 138.4
2315 4.319 8398
2136 4.681 1.376e+4
2069 4.833 2863
2025 4.938 37.12
2008 4.981 2000
1935 5.168 3112
1851 5.402 2921
1791 5.584 3635
1732 5.775 8875
1689 5.921 2.001e+4
1664 6.011 5728
1648 6.067 1.047e+4
1556 6.425 36.48
1550 6.451 28.71
1526 6.554 3156
1500 6.666 2531
1467 6.816 349.6
1443 6.932 3604
1424 7.025 382.9
1405 7.117 152.2
1368 7.307 314.7
1344 7.44 1414
1274 7.849 9293
1236 8.089 8.21
1231 8.124 54.42
1217 8.218 32.62
1184 8.442 440.3
1175 8.514 137.4
1164 8.59 435.6
1152 8.678 2689
1109 9.015 53.08
1090 9.175 350.4
1057 9.46 510.6
1040 9.62 616.6
1025 9.757 308.4
1013 9.873 984.9
1000 9.996 80.16
985.5 10.15 191.4
972.4 10.28 52.88
911.2 10.97 5252
885 11.3 6864
853.7 11.71 792.6
836.3 11.96 313.1
782.4 12.78 7674
763.8 13.09 1.058e+4
733.6 13.63 2.336e+4
719.8 13.89 6.218e+4
675.1 14.81 147.2
665.5 15.03 177.1
651.1 15.36 858.9
625.9 15.98 1512
612.7 16.32 1584
588.3 17 2.399e+4
534.6 18.71 7748

Laboratory Spectrum

LabLeft-clk & Shift: drag to zoom; Left-clk + Ctrl: Pan; Right-clk: Reset.

This spectrum was measured using the matrix isolation technique. Samples are prepared by co-deposition of the PAH in the gaseous state with an overabundance of argon onto a cold CsI window suspended in a high vacuum chamber (p ~ 10-8 mtorr). The CsI window temperature is held between 10 and 15 K for the duration of the experiment. The infrared spectrum of the cold CsI window is recorded prior to (I0) and immediately after sample deposition (In). The absorbance spectrum for a neutral, matrix isolated PAH is log(In/I0).

By irradiating this matrix with ultraviolet radiation from a microwave powered hydrogen discharge lamp produces ionized PAHs. The infrared spectrum is again measured (Ii), now having absorption bands due to both the neutral and ionized PAH. This absorbance spectrum (log (I/Ii)) is compared with that of the neutral PAH. Most of the new bands produced by ultraviolet irradiation are due to the ionized form of the PAH. See the provided reference for the specific details regarding the data presented here. In some cases a few bands near 1600 cm-1 may be due to H2O.


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84 species present in version 3.10 of the experimental database (Apr 13, 2023)