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uid 547

TransitionsLeft-clk & drag: Zoom; Right-clk: reset

This species has a counterpart in the theoretical library


Integrated cross-section
4741 2.109 505.2
4612 2.168 188.8
4372 2.287 3133
4262 2.346 2257
4098 2.44 180.9
4060 2.463 119.6
3926 2.547 1845
3817 2.62 108.7
3513 2.846 182.7
3395 2.945 2544
3292 3.038 245.1
3252 3.076 57.44
3166 3.158 1336
3137 3.188 67.17
3072 3.256 3698
3010 3.322 449.1
2984 3.352 944.8
2932 3.411 1824
2846 3.513 391
2825 3.54 34.27
2817 3.55 646.9
2805 3.565 12.51
2789 3.585 13.96
2778 3.599 43.3
2766 3.615 46.26
2756 3.628 59.08
2732 3.66 95.31
2704 3.698 1312
2672 3.742 18.04
2655 3.766 1609
2619 3.819 842.6
2582 3.873 1610
2517 3.974 1.067e+4
2481 4.03 85.98
2427 4.12 107
2350 4.255 1.47e+4
2317 4.316 469.1
2257 4.431 20.04
2252 4.441 6975
2211 4.522 92.96
2126 4.704 459.7
2098 4.767 172.7
2058 4.858 104.2
2045 4.89 26.22
2026 4.936 1056
2000 5 280.8
1980 5.051 367.9
1899 5.265 133.6
1890 5.29 1766
1879 5.321 44.74
1863 5.369 221
1854 5.393 139.2
1850 5.405 5.09
1840 5.433 1.132e+4
1834 5.452 213.2
1799 5.559 18.61
1778 5.624 62.48
1775 5.635 7631
1753 5.705 86.9
1719 5.817 303
1706 5.86 32.67
1698 5.889 8.84
1691 5.915 37.33
1674 5.975 376.1
1545 6.472 16.66
1540 6.491 219.3
1530 6.535 585.4
1520 6.577 7190
1508 6.631 239
1446 6.917 28.13
1436 6.966 6338
1425 7.017 22.18
1419 7.049 5.17
1412 7.083 96.71
1405 7.119 15.32
1402 7.132 27.33
1382 7.234 782.4
1354 7.387 1460
1343 7.445 505
1289 7.757 5159
1283 7.795 32.3
1267 7.892 240.3
1236 8.089 20.76
1221 8.189 13.14
1217 8.219 51.24
1211 8.257 5114
1207 8.282 74.55
1195 8.365 11.2
1184 8.448 1093
1178 8.486 74.62
1174 8.516 3153
1157 8.645 433.2
1154 8.669 18.52
1130 8.846 656
1106 9.038 42.14
1103 9.066 402
1093 9.149 14.33
1086 9.211 1092
1044 9.574 225.1
1027 9.741 11.64
1020 9.801 232.7
1009 9.911 99.04
997.8 10.02 55.58
986.5 10.14 6.86
967.1 10.34 26.36
954.2 10.48 112.6
923 10.83 102.5
920 10.87 2.003e+4
915 10.93 470.8
907.3 11.02 38.28
902 11.09 413.6
893.9 11.19 1051
889.3 11.24 149.2
881.4 11.35 6.102e+4
842.1 11.88 1.1e+4
830.9 12.04 105.1
817.4 12.23 209
804.2 12.43 168.4
800 12.5 13.88
797.2 12.54 23.99
782.9 12.77 30.33
779.4 12.83 1.387e+4
762.2 13.12 6913
756.4 13.22 32.97
750.5 13.32 41.79
747.4 13.38 3912
739.1 13.53 66.36
734.5 13.61 88.6
717.6 13.94 6732
707 14.14 19.04
696 14.37 164.9
655.8 15.25 400.8
612.3 16.33 37.16
610.2 16.39 3449
603.4 16.57 344.9
566.5 17.65 30.63
559.8 17.86 42.13

Laboratory Spectrum

LabLeft-clk & Shift: drag to zoom; Left-clk + Ctrl: Pan; Right-clk: Reset.

This spectrum was measured using the matrix isolation technique. Samples are prepared by co-deposition of the PAH in the gaseous state with an overabundance of argon onto a cold CsI window suspended in a high vacuum chamber (p ~ 10-8 mtorr). The CsI window temperature is held between 10 and 15 K for the duration of the experiment. The infrared spectrum of the cold CsI window is recorded prior to (I0) and immediately after sample deposition (In). The absorbance spectrum for a neutral, matrix isolated PAH is log(In/I0).

By irradiating this matrix with ultraviolet radiation from a microwave powered hydrogen discharge lamp produces ionized PAHs. The infrared spectrum is again measured (Ii), now having absorption bands due to both the neutral and ionized PAH. This absorbance spectrum (log (I/Ii)) is compared with that of the neutral PAH. Most of the new bands produced by ultraviolet irradiation are due to the ionized form of the PAH. See the provided reference for the specific details regarding the data presented here. In some cases a few bands near 1600 cm-1 may be due to H2O.


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84 species present in version 3.00 of the experimental database (Apr 16, 2020)