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uid 105

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This species has a counterpart in the theoretical library


Integrated cross-section
3103 3.223 144.5
1936 5.165 3.975
1929 5.184 5.962
1921 5.207 7.829
1854 5.393 5.962
1779 5.621 10.24
1565 6.389 1.987
1497 6.68 13.85
1411 7.088 12.04
1381 7.242 132.5
1344 7.439 1.987
1311 7.627 7.829
1236 8.088 3.975
1229 8.134 15.66
1098 9.105 15.66
1089 9.18 5.962
842.8 11.87 1.987
818.1 12.22 1.987
772.4 12.95 198.7
747.4 13.38 47.58
744.2 13.44 1.987
681.1 14.68 12.04
593.7 16.84 10.24
548 18.25 1.987
530.2 18.86 1.987


You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

84 species present in version 3.00 of the experimental database (Apr 16, 2020)