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uid 547

TransitionsLeft-clk & drag: Zoom; Right-clk: reset

This species has a counterpart in the theoretical library


Integrated cross-section
2520 3.968 504.2
2350 4.255 145.6
2251 4.442 159.1
2026 4.936 53.86
1863 5.368 192
1840 5.435 458.8
1775 5.634 296.2
1670 5.988 94.26
1540 6.494 134.2
1530 6.536 135.2
1521 6.575 198
1436 6.964 197.5
1354 7.386 60.84
1289 7.758 232.4
1265 7.905 17.45
1184 8.446 75.31
1174 8.518 127.7
1084 9.225 34.91
920 10.87 24.94
915 10.93 23.94
901 11.1 22.44
894 11.19 72.31
881 11.35 1054
842 11.88 270.3
831 12.03 125.2
815 12.27 226.9
804 12.44 113.2
794 12.59 64.83
779 12.84 394.5
762 13.12 290.8
755 13.25 59.85
747 13.39 423.9
717 13.95 167.1
705 14.18 59.85
695 14.39 101.2
656 15.24 24.44
618 16.18 32.42
612 16.34 74.81
610 16.39 95.75

Laboratory Spectrum

LabLeft-clk & Shift: drag to zoom; Left-clk + Ctrl: Pan; Right-clk: Reset.

This spectrum was measured using the matrix isolation technique. Samples are prepared by co-deposition of the PAH in the gaseous state with an overabundance of argon onto a cold CsI window suspended in a high vacuum chamber (p ~ 10-8 mtorr). The CsI window temperature is held between 10 and 15 K for the duration of the experiment. The infrared spectrum of the cold CsI window is recorded prior to (I0) and immediately after sample deposition (In). The absorbance spectrum for a neutral, matrix isolated PAH is log(In/I0).

By irradiating this matrix with ultraviolet radiation from a microwave powered hydrogen discharge lamp produces ionized PAHs. The infrared spectrum is again measured (Ii), now having absorption bands due to both the neutral and ionized PAH. This absorbance spectrum (log (I/Ii)) is compared with that of the neutral PAH. Most of the new bands produced by ultraviolet irradiation are due to the ionized form of the PAH. See the provided reference for the specific details regarding the data presented here. In some cases a few bands near 1600 cm-1 may be due to H2O.


You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

75 species present in version 2.00 of the experimental database (Nov 13, 2013)