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uid 534

TransitionsLeft-clk & drag: Zoom; Right-clk: reset

This species has a counterpart in the theoretical library


Integrated cross-section
3160 3.164 1.132
3091 3.235 52.54
3064 3.263 112.5
3027 3.303 35.02
2982 3.353 1.872
2969 3.368 2.455
1942 5.149 8.905
1926 5.191 8.459
1920 5.209 4.001
1904 5.251 4.942
1853 5.396 6.541
1835 5.449 5.191
1814 5.513 4.616
1794 5.575 16.98
1760 5.682 1.111
1733 5.772 2.35
1708 5.857 3.24
1692 5.91 7.366
1670 5.988 0.5193
1662 6.015 1.954
1634 6.12 4.056
1627 6.145 3.357
1619 6.177 1.002
1604 6.235 7.191
1579 6.332 7.633
1575 6.35 9.232
1566 6.385 12.7
1561 6.405 6.95
1534 6.521 2.838
1510 6.624 8.4
1482 6.745 2.078
1476 6.773 11.47
1469 6.807 7.443
1438 6.954 78.07
1429 6.997 13.73
1420 7.04 2.608
1410 7.092 17.27
1406 7.114 14.36
1353 7.389 6.354
1349 7.411 1.896
1346 7.432 4.067
1341 7.456 3.697
1323 7.557 3.934
1315 7.607 2.303
1303 7.672 5.467
1295 7.723 2.016
1283 7.794 3.991
1277 7.83 4.17
1244 8.041 2.896
1228 8.146 1.018
1211 8.256 10.93
1196 8.36 2.594
1185 8.44 3.362
1170 8.547 3.883
1152 8.684 1.955
1138 8.791 5.726
1130 8.853 0.7849
1121 8.924 8.087
1100 9.094 0.6825
1075 9.303 0.9202
1013 9.872 5.774
1004 9.963 7.481
979.6 10.21 0.6684
964.4 10.37 0.839
953.1 10.49 6.242
917.2 10.9 0.6881
896.9 11.15 45.02
889.9 11.24 6.982
876.6 11.41 24.23
869.9 11.5 2.317
845.6 11.83 5.232
820 12.2 2.311
795.1 12.58 51.32
779.1 12.84 6.696
769.7 12.99 2.096
762.7 13.11 1.242
742.7 13.46 20.82
737.6 13.56 44.56
706.3 14.16 35.04
617.2 16.2 2.811
578.2 17.3 22.36
510.4 19.59 1.788
508 19.69 20.36
462.8 21.61 17.72

Laboratory Spectrum

LabLeft-clk & Shift: drag to zoom; Left-clk + Ctrl: Pan; Right-clk: Reset.

This spectrum was measured using the matrix isolation technique. Samples are prepared by co-deposition of the PAH in the gaseous state with an overabundance of argon onto a cold CsI window suspended in a high vacuum chamber (p ~ 10-8 mtorr). The CsI window temperature is held between 10 and 15 K for the duration of the experiment. The infrared spectrum of the cold CsI window is recorded prior to (I0) and immediately after sample deposition (In). The absorbance spectrum for a neutral, matrix isolated PAH is log(In/I0).

By irradiating this matrix with ultraviolet radiation from a microwave powered hydrogen discharge lamp produces ionized PAHs. The infrared spectrum is again measured (Ii), now having absorption bands due to both the neutral and ionized PAH. This absorbance spectrum (log (I/Ii)) is compared with that of the neutral PAH. Most of the new bands produced by ultraviolet irradiation are due to the ionized form of the PAH. See the provided reference for the specific details regarding the data presented here. In some cases a few bands near 1600 cm-1 may be due to H2O.


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75 species present in version 2.00 of the experimental database (Nov 13, 2013)