No species have been selected
  • These settings are common to most tools.
  • Select transitions between and
  • Convolve transitions with a line profile having a full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of cm-1
  • Apply * emission model at K
    *The emission models make use of the harmonic approximation.
  • This tool will co-add the spectra in the provided frequency range of the species you selected with selected weights. With the given emission model, the bands are convolved with the chosen emission profile with chosen width. This is then the (weighted) emission spectrum from the selected mixture of PAHs. Due to resource constraints this tool is limited to 256 species.
  • Choose a weighting scheme:
  • This tool will stack the spectra in the provided frequency range of up-to ten species you selected. With the given emission model, the bands are convolved with the chosen emission profile with chosen width. This then allows for the direct comparison of the individual emission spectra of the first ten PAHs selected. Due to resource constraints this tool is limited to 10 species.
Spectral fit
  • This tool will fit an uploaded astronomical spectrum using the spectra from the selected PAH species. With the given emission model, the bands are convolved with the chosen emission profile and chosen width. When uncertainties are provided they are taken into account. Due to resource constraints this tool is limited to 256 species.
  • for upload. Valid input formats are: two- or three-column ASCII (wavelength, flux [, uncertainty]), VOTABLE and ISO/Spitzer-YAAR.
  • Shift the database spectra cm-1 to the red.

  • Note, the maximum allowed number of concurrently running spectral fits is 1. Currently running: 0.
Temperature stack
  • This tool will stack the spectrum in the provided frequency range of one of the species you selected at one-to-five different temperatures. Which species can be chosen below. The bands are convolved with the chosen emission profile with chosen width. This then allows for the direct comparison of the spectrum from one of the PAHs selected at different emission temperatures.
  • Choose a PAH from your current selection:
  • Choose up to 5 different blackbody temperatures (in Kelvin)
    T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)