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uid 2459
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1917 5.218 0.475 A 0.9097
1779 5.622 7.805 A 0.9097
1696 5.896 29.01 A 0.9523
1643 6.085 1.828 A 0.9097
1643 6.088 5.718 A 0.9097
1572 6.363 3.514 A 0.9523
1545 6.473 2.749 A 0.9523
1518 6.587 80.7 A 0.9523
1515 6.599 2.78 A 0.9523
1470 6.804 7.895 A 0.9523
1419 7.046 8.342 A 0.9523
1412 7.082 4.739 A 0.9523
1383 7.23 16.23 A 0.9523
1361 7.348 8.989 A 0.9523
1341 7.459 4.88 A 0.9523
1325 7.549 0.1557 A 0.9523
1324 7.55 1.005 A 0.9523
1281 7.806 9.689 A 0.9523
1274 7.852 15.27 A 0.9523
1239 8.074 17.87 A 0.9523
1226 8.158 59.91 A 0.9523
1191 8.399 0.0355 A 0.9523
1160 8.62 3.795 A 0.9523
1133 8.828 26.58 A 0.9523
1062 9.417 7.43 A 0.9523
1032 9.688 7.066 A 0.9563
1013 9.872 11.46 A 0.9563
994.9 10.05 1.778 A 0.9563
971.6 10.29 30.55 A 0.9563
911.1 10.98 1.151 A 0.9563
871.4 11.48 10.3 A 0.9563
793.7 12.6 1.691 A 0.9563
779.8 12.82 0.0048 A 0.9563
763.6 13.1 0 A 0.9563
745.8 13.41 41.89 A 0.9563
727 13.76 1.444 A 0.9563
696.4 14.36 0 A 0.9563
664.1 15.06 1.842 A 0.9563
657.1 15.22 0 A 0.9563
647.8 15.44 0.3552 A 0.9563
626.4 15.96 13.68 A 0.9563
604.5 16.54 17.91 A 0.9563
601 16.64 0.0045 A 0.9563
587.2 17.03 16.92 A 0.9563
571.3 17.5 0 A 0.9563
558.2 17.91 78.93 A 0.9563
553.1 18.08 44.17 A 0.9563
526.8 18.98 24.99 A 0.9563
516.7 19.36 0.0094 A 0.9563
508.6 19.66 21.68 A 0.9563
486.8 20.54 0 A 0.9563
479.7 20.85 0.0433 A 0.9563
477.9 20.93 0.5921 A 0.9563
465 21.51 17.76 A 0.9563
455.2 21.97 93.48 A 0.9563
452.2 22.11 11.48 A 0.9563
447.5 22.35 0 A 0.9563
416.2 24.03 115.8 A 0.9563
386 25.91 0.0225 A 0.9563
385.9 25.91 0 A 0.9563
377.4 26.5 17.18 A 0.9563
353.7 28.27 0 A 0.9563
347.4 28.79 0 A 0.9563
342 29.24 0.0167 A 0.9563
325.8 30.69 0.0063 A 0.9563
305.4 32.74 0 A 0.9563
286 34.97 0.1915 A 0.9563
285.9 34.97 0.1145 A 0.9563
283.5 35.28 0.1461 A 0.9563
214.6 46.59 0.1591 A 0.9563
169.2 59.11 0.0013 A 0.9563
166.5 60.04 0.0118 A 0.9563
155.1 64.45 0 A 0.9563
142.7 70.08 0.0292 A 0.9563
118.9 84.1 0 A 0.9563
77.43 129.1 0 A 0.9563
70.55 141.7 0.0678 A 0.9563
44.43 225.1 0.0535 A 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)