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showing PAHs 1 - 20
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uid 330
id 153
uid 269
id 129
uid 267
id 127
uid 268
id 128
uid 274
id 133
uid 487
id 179
uid 275
id 134
uid 273
id 132
uid 265
id 125
uid 266
id 126
uid 365
id 156
uid 271
id 130
uid 272
id 131
uid 334
id 154
uid 387
id 25
uid 360
id 155
uid 831
id 191
uid 297
id 149
uid 285
id 139
uid 293
id 145
has cluster data
return to top

You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

84 species present in version 3.00 of the experimental database (Apr 16, 2020)