NASA-Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA, USA
1 - 3 May 2002
Fri, May 10, 2002
Wednesday May 1, 2002
08:30 Registration & Check-in
09:00 Welcoming Remarks (Farid Salama, Chair SOC/LOC)
09:05 Welcome (Scott Hubbard, Deputy Director of Research, NASA Ames)
09:15 Workshop Goals & Objectives (Hashima Hasan, OSS, NASA HQ)
09:30 Introductory Talk: Martin Harwit, Current and Future Space Missions. Great Questions of the Next Decade in Connection with Laboratory Astrophysics
Atomic Astrophysics I
Session chair: Wilton Sanders
10:00 E. Behar (invited), High Energy Astrophysics: X-Ray Spectroscopy and Atomic Data
10:35 E. Takacs, Spectroscopy of Trapped Ions with a Microcalorimeter on the NIST Electron Beam Ion Trap
10:55 G.J. Ferland, Laboratory Astrophysics Needs for Understanding Photoionized Plasmas
11:15 Coffee Break
Session chair: James Lawler
11:45 D.W. Savin, Ion Storage Ring Measurements of Low Temperature Dielectronic Recombination Rate Coefficients for Modeling X-Ray Photoionized Cosmic Plasmas
12:05 R.F. Heeter, Benchmarking Accretion Disk Models Using Photoionized Laboratory Plasmas
12:25 LUNCH
Atomic Astrophysics II
Session chair: Ted Snow
14:00 C. Sneden (invited), Atomic Data and Stellar Chemical Compositions
14:35 A. Chutjian, Measurement of Absolute Excitation Cross Sections in Highly-Charged Ions Using Electron Energy Loss and Merged Beams
14:55 A. Glassgold, Microscopic Processes in X-Ray Modulated Star Formation
Molecular Astrophysics Small Molecules
Session chair: Tom Phillips
15:15 E. Bergin (invited), Missing Pieces In Our Understanding of Astrochemistry: the Answers are in the Lab
15:50 Coffee Break
16:15 L. Ziurys, Submillimeter Spectroscopy of Astrophysically Important Metal-Containing Molecules
16:35 C.A. Gottlieb, Precise Laboratory Measurements of Line Frequencies Useful to Studies of Star and Planet formation
16:55 J.C. Pearson, High-Resolution Photoionization and Photoelectron Studies: Laboratory Astrophysics Needs of the Herschel Space Observatory
17:15 Poster Session & Reception
19:30 Adjourn Day 01
Thursday May 2, 2002
Session chair: Guy Stringfellow
08:30 M. Jura, SIRTF: Goals and Requirements
08:50 T. Greene, The SOFIA Mission and Laboratory Astrophysics Synergies
Molecular Astrophysics - Large Molecules
Session chair: Xander Tielens
09:10 L.B. d'Hendecourt (invited), The PAH Hypothesis: A Dream or a Nightmare for Astrophysicists?
09:45 L.J. Allamandola, Infrared Emission from Interstellar PAHs, New Probes of the Interstellar Medium
10:05 R.J. Saykally, Molecular Carbon in the Galaxy: New Laboratory and Observational Studies
10:25 E. Herbst, The Submillimeter-Wave Spectra of Interstellar Molecules
10:45 Coffee Break
Dust & Ices in Astrophysics
Session chair: John Mathis
11:05 Th. Henning (invited), Nanoparticles in Space and the Laboratory
11:40 M.P. Collings, Laboratory Surface Science: the Key to the Gas-Grain Interaction
12:00 J.A. Nuth III, Condensation Processes in Astrophysical Environments: the Composition and Structure of Cometary Grains
12:20 J.P. Dworkin, The Laboratory Production of Complex Organic Molecules in Simulated Interstellar Ices
12:40 LUNCH
Solar System
Session chair: Melissa McGrath
14:00 D. Cruikshank (invited), A Solar System Perspective on Laboratory Astrophysics
14:35 T. Roush, Cryogenic Titan Tholins
14:55 P. Beiersdorfer, Laboratory Studies of the X-Ray Emission Generated by the Interaction of Solar Wind Heavy Ions with Comets
15:15 P.C. Cosby, Experimental Measurements of Dissociative Recombination Relevant to Planetary Atmospheres
15:35 Coffee Break
Session chair: Peter Smith
16:00 Report Talk: T. Snow, HST Science Legacy
16:20 Report Talk: K. Kirby, ICAMDATA & APiP
Session chair: Farid Salama
16:40 Discussion to prepare for Friday Breakout sessions: Hashima Hasan
17:00 Poster Session & Reception
19:30 Adjourn Day 02
Friday May 3, 2002
Community Input
09:00 Break-out sessions* (Co-chaired by SOC members)
Atomic Astrophysics Sub-Group
Molecular Astrophysics Sub-Group
Dust & Ices in Astrophysics Sub-Group
Solar System Sub-Group
12:00 LUNCH
13:30 Atomic Astrophysics Summary Presentation
13:45 Molecular Astrophysics Summary Presentation
14:00 Dust & Ices in Astrophysics Summary Presentation
14:15 Solar System Summary Presentation
14:30 Plenary discussion
15:00 Adjourn Plenary session
15:30 SOC/Executive session
(Generate draft of recommendations)
17:30 Adjourn Workshop
* All attendees are strongly encouraged to participate in the break-out groups and following plenary discussion to contribute to the development of a list of recommendations to NASA Headquarters on topics and issues related to the current status and future of NASAs Laboratory Astrophysics Research program.